Thursday, October 13, 2005

Knoppix on harddrive

when I was going back and foward with Xp and Linux box, I saw linux box was being locked, no responce, no should I do????


ha ha ha....AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhh!!!!

Lucky is no longer lucky any more...finally lucky, Raymond hyung's linux box is down with file cruption. It kept rebooting after I ran fsck untility....hmmm....- -;;;

I'm not a really linux I can't do much since it won't get me to login

so, I just thought to format and install linux again....WAIT!(*&#(*@^%!@

I did not back up all the programs and scripts...MAN()&$#&*^@(#(@

Ok...Raymond hyung recommend use Knoppix since it can run full linux without installing on the!!!

WOW, KNOPPIX ~~~ so picked up all the partition on the harddrive without mounting them with samba connection...that was cool??? man, it picked up network sharing directory on my XP just like that...that is WAY SO COOL!!!!

I was able to back up nicely and wondering if I can have this Knoppix install on my computer. Well, what you know what you CAN!!! awsome!!!

I followed the instruction in this page Installing Knoppix on HDD, and what can I say..I HAVE IT ON MY COMPUTER!!!!!

Well...found out that this version is old on..last ke ke

I try to install Knoppix laterst version 4.0 and it did not work well..

kernel panic...could not syscronize...*(&&)%$#*

man...any how, I need a linux box soon....what choice I have...

FEDORA CORE 4 ~~~~~~ I am with Fedora core 4...I'm gonna re-install it...don't like it. back after I fix my linux ke ke

오래간만에 글을 올리는구먼

햐...이거 얼마만에 글을 쓰는고 여기다가....

내 블로그를 만들다가 지쳐서 그냥 여기쓰기로 맘먹다가
그래도 내가 만든 블로그를 쓰자니 기분이 좋은거 같은데...
그렇다고 남이 만들어논거 그냥 같다 쓰자니 내가 만든것도 아니고...

아무튼 그냥 여기다가 당분간 글을 쓸련다..^^

참 오래간만에 글을쓸라니 뭐 쓸말이없네...그냥 나중에 쓰까???

